
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Published card!

Hello. I hope you're having a wonderful weekend.

I've been working on a couple of cards, but I can't post them yet. So I don't have a new card to show you. But I would like to show a card I made last year for the contest that Magnolia Sweden was having for their first issue of the Magnolia Ink magazine. I didn't win anything, but my card made it into the pages of the magazine. It was a wonderful surprise!!! And it was certainly a surprise as the first time I knew about it, was when Cami e-mailed me to congratulate me for my card being published--and I didn't know what she was talking about!...LOL. Anyway, here's the card.

If you have this magazine, I'm on page 43...hee hee. Sorry, but I still feel giddy when I think of it. I mean, me....who would have thunk it!!!

And I had to wait it seemed like forever to get my hands on a copy, as the first shipment of the magazine went out like hotcakes and they were out of stock almost right away at Diana's store. The 2nd shipment took too long to arrive!!! Anyway it was thrilling to finally get the magazine and see a picture of my card within its pages. Which when you come to think of it, is kind of weird...I mean I have the real thing in front of me. Go figure!

Thanks for visiting. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

PS. I'm assuming that I can show you this now, as I see on a few of the Magnolia Sweden's DTs' blogs that they are posting their projects that were published in the Christmas & Winter edition, because the 2nd edition has now been issued.

Stamps: Magnolia Tilda with Candle, Delta Rubber Stampede Etched Holly, Hero Arts Wishing Peace and Joy.
DP's: Basic Grey Wassail Collection Snowdust, Greetings and Laurel Leaves.
Tools: Coluzzle circle template, Provo Craft decorative scissors.
Misc: Michaels gold half pearls, Kaiser Craft red pearls.


  1. WAY TO GO!!!

    So well deserved!!!

  2. Oh my! this is so gorgeous. I love the colours you have used for Tilda's dress. I also love how you have the holly cut out to go over the border like that. Really beautiful as usual.
    Hugs marion

  3. Wooooow Norma, congratulations! It's absolutely fantastic that your card made it into the Magnolia Magazine. Well, but honestly it doesn't surprise me with your artwork. Each of your card is a masterpiece!

    BIG hugs and have a great Sunday!

  4. Congrats to you on this. I saw it in the Magnolia Ink Magazine. I love the layout and of course your colour is out of this world!!

    My copy of Issue 2 arrived yesterday, but I haven't had time to look at it yet. I want to be able to sit and look at it properly, I love it so much !!!


  5. How cool isthat Norma. Congrats!!! This card is spectacular. I love how you added the little circle for the glow of the candle. And your colors are so pretty. Awesom card!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  6. Oh congratulations Norma, you so deserve it. Your creations are always amazing. I adore this one too. xo Jackie

  7. Wow! Congratulations!!!

    And yes... the card is so beautiful!!

    Saskia :)

  8. It's a gorgeous card so I can see why they published it - congratulations!

  9. Congratulations and so well deserved!!!
    Your card is spectacular.....absolutely gorgeous.

  10. so pretty Norma! Beautiful coloring on your Tilda and love that holly stamp w/this BG paper!
    Pam Going Postal

  11. Norma, Wow, this card is stunning and with your colouring skills and beautiful designs, it is not surprising to me at. Congrats and big hugs Jodie from Oz

  12. I got this magazine for Christmas and was thrilled when I saw your card in there! So well deserved for such a wonderful and VERY talented person.
    Congratulations deserve it!

  13. Good for you!!! That was a magazine worthy card. It is just beautiful. Thands for sharing!

  14. Congrats, Norma! It's a gorgeous card--I can see why it was chosen!

  15. It's gorgeous, Norma and I noticed it when I poured through the magaazine time and time again...hugs...Barb

  16. Wow, what a gorgeous card! I love the layout and papers and Tilda is beautiful!
    Hugs, Christine :)

  17. I think it was well deserved to be posted in the magazine.. very beautiful card.. gorgeously colored and designed... congrats and keep grinning and doing the happy dance!!!

    Hugs, Jean

  18. Congrats, Norma!! Your card is so beautiful! Love your coloring and the design is gorgeous! Great job!! hugs!

  19. Norma, I am a newbie Maggie adoptee. I love all Maggie, and when I stumbled across your blog I was blown away. Your cards and shading blow me away. And to think you live not too far from me (I am on Vancouver Island)! Congrats for your publication in the magazine, I got my copy, and saw your card. Thanks for all your inspiration!!!!

  20. Congrats...your card is really beautiful!

  21. Norma, this was one of my favorite cards in the whole magazine. I love the Basic Grey Wassail Collection and use it often. I actually have a post-it-note on your page in the magazine! Congratulations! Job well done.

  22. Oh Norma I forgot to congratulate you. I loved your card so much.
    No wonder you were published. So well deserved.
    Hugs marion

  23. I have seen your fabulous card in the magazine, well done ~ Mel x

  24. Smart on their part to use your cards! Any of them should be published! Congratulations Norma! It is another beautiful creation! Your work is fantastic!!!

  25. Norma your work deserves to be published!! Congratulations and I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work in the next ones. hee hee!!

  26. Congrats again Norma! As soon as I saw this card in the premiere Magnolia Ink mag, I knew it had to be YOU!!! This is a beautiful card and you so deserve to have had it published! Keep up the wonderful work you do and for always sharing your creations! Hugs, Cami

  27. Congratulations Norma!!!
    It’s so deserved!!!! Your creations are just spectacular !!!:)))I agree with others who have said that your creations are amazing!!!
    have a wonderful week!

  28. Norma congratulations on being published! This card is gorgeous! You do beautiful work and I am so happy for you!

  29. yay, I did go back and check my mag, awesome work Norma! So glad I found your blog!

  30. Gorgeous sweet card, fab Tilda and beautiful details.

    you deserve to be on the magazine as your card is GORGEOUS!!

  32. That is SO awesome!! Congrats. Definitely a card worthy of being in a magazine. You must be so proud!!

  33. Congratulations Norma! I finally got a chance to come by, lol
    Beautiful card. I have to look carefully, because I have this magazine, but just never really read it word by word, but have to admire all those beautifully done card :o)

  34. Norma, I had to run and get the Magazine. How very exciting!! It is such a thrill to get published. Your card was beautiful and your being in the magazine is well deserved. I'll have to put my "Norma Original" on my wall of fame in my stamp room!!!



Thanks for stopping by and giving me a bit of your time to leave a comment. Very much appreciate it. Norma