
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Elmit has a Toothache and I'm on vacation

Hello from Annecy, France!

Sorry, I meant to post something before I left as to the time I was leaving for my vacation, but time got away from me. We flew from home 6 days ago for Europe! Woo cool is that! And we will be here for a month!!!

Internet connection is pretty iffy while we are roaming around Europe. At least in the places where we are staying. This is the first chance I have of posting something on my blog. Sorry for not e-mailing back to those of you who have e-mailed me--I'm not ignoring you!!! And I only have a tiny laptop with me and it keeps kicking me out!!! So frustrating!

For now, I don't have a new card to show you, but I have made this card for In2stamps before I left. This oh-so-adorable image from In2stamps is called Elmit has a Toothache.

I have used my Prismacolor pencils to colour this image.

And speaking of Prismacolors and because I knew I was going to miss doing my card making, I at least took some stamp images with me and some of my pencils (not all of them though, as I am trying to travel light--we're backpacking...yikes!). I can fill up my time during long train rides and during the evenings when we have nothing better to do. Doesn't that just shows you how obsessed I am?...LOL.

I must say bye for now before I get kicked out again. Tomorrow we are moving to a place where we won't have internet again and we'll be there for a week. Thanks for dropping by. I appreciate your visit.

Stamps: In2stamps Elmit Has a Toothache from the April Releases Collection.
Tools: EK Success border punch.
Embelishments: Making Memories brads, ribbon from my stash.


  1. Oh wow what a fabulous card. I love the die you used around the image. Fabulous colouring as always.

  2. I love your card Norma. I am so happy to hear that you have taken such a wonderful vacation. PLEASE make sure you post some pictures when you come home! Enjoy your month stay Norma!!!! We will miss you!

  3. I was wondering about you earlier today! Wow, what an awesome vacation! Your card is so fun and fits my DH right now to a "t"!!! Wonderful coloring! Take care, I know I don't have to tell you to have a good time! lol
    Pam Going Postal

  4. Hello!

    Wonderful card! Love everything about it! :<)

    Wishing you a lovely and safe vacation!

    Barbara Diane

  5. This is totally fabulous Norma - and hope you have THE MOST AMAZING trip - glad to hear you took some colouring to do - LOL.

  6. ohhh what a fun card. Great image and layout.

  7. This is such a beautiful card! I love your work, I'm a follower of your wonderful blog, :) Hugs Hayley xxx


Thanks for stopping by and giving me a bit of your time to leave a comment. Very much appreciate it. Norma