
Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Best Buds

Oh, happy happy Tuesday!

It's launch day for our new Magnolia-licious Challenge Blog! Woo hoooooo.... I have been waiting on pins and needles for this day to arrive. And I think so has the rest of the DT ladies...LOL. I feel so so honored to have been asked by Diana, owner Magnolia-licious on-line store, to work/play alongside a group of amazingly talented ladies. They are listed on my side bar and you can click on their names to visit their blogs. Oh, I am so excited... so let's get on with this....hee hee.

I have made a friendship card for our first challenge.

It's a colour challenge. The colours were chosen by our team leader Candy and she has chosen pink and yellow.

The images I have used for my card are of course from Magnolia-licious. The two adorable Tildas here are Tilda with Peony (this is my favorite from the collection) and Bridesmaid Tilda from the Wedding Collection 2010. I do not see these 2 images in Diana's current stock, but she can and will order them in for you. I have also used Lazy Summer Flowers from the Lazy Summer Days Collection 2009, to create a bit of a background.

This is another version of a 'front panel side step card'. Pam Sparks thought up the name...hee hee. She and I both did a similar type of cards at the same time (oh, how weird was that)--you can see her really fabulous card here and mine here--and we both did the templates for them also (even weirder...LOL)--hers for a 5 1/2-inch square card and mine for a 6-inch square card. Pam decided to call the type of cards we made 'front panel side step card.' That sounded good to me. The front panel there were in the center. On this new card the front panel is off to one side.

If I lay the card flat on a table, it looks like this...the bottom section that is.

I tend to ignore my corner punches, don't you? I should really make more use of them. This one is soooo... pretty. It's a Martha Stewart one--it's a seasonal one, part of their Christmas collection. Yikes...I've been naming this punch by the wrong name...LOL. I could have sworn that when I bought it last year they called it Lattice. But I noticed that this year that it's actually called String Lace. It's being sold as part of a set: a border punch along with the corner punch. I had to buy both of mine individually.

Do you like my flower buds? Aren't they cute buds? The sentiment is a play on words, of course. If you didn't catch it, 'Best Buds' is really 'Best Buddies'...LOL.

I made these little flower buds by using tiny pompoms. They do sell pink ones in the craft store, but I found their pink too bright.

So I bought some white ones instead. I dabbed some light-pink alcohol ink from my marker onto the pompom and roll it between my fingers to spread out the ink evenly. The sepal is a punched star. Using my stylus, I curled up the five points of the star. Dabbed some glue and curled it around the pompom.

This is a short poem on friendship that my sister found for me. I have used it for the inside of my card.

I didn't add too much embellishment here, as I wanted to be able to close the card flat.

I hope you will join the fun with our challenge. Hop over to the Magnolia-licious Challenge Blog to get the details for it. Have a look at the fabulous projects that all the DT ladies have created--really, you won't be disappointed. I hope they will inspire you to create your own project and join in. And there's a prize to boot!!! GIFT CERTIFICATE FOR $25.00 from MAGNOLIA-LICIOUS!!!! You can get at least a couple of Tildas with that! Maybe from the new Merry Little Christmas Collection 2010. Have you seen the images? Ooohh, they are all so adorable. My order was in my mailbox when I came home from work last night...woo hoo. Oh, I can't wait to start playing with them.

Also, please visit the individual blog of the other DT members to have a closer look at their creations and get the details on them...and it wouln't hurt to leave a comment too--they are very much appreciated.

Stamps: Tilda with Peony and Bridesmaid Tilda from the Wedding Collection 2010, Lazy Summer Flowers from the Lazy Summer Days Collection 2009. The sentiments are computer generated.

DP's: Recollections Southern Hospitality Collection Southern Bell and Batked My Interest Collection Sand.

Tools: Martha Stewart corner punch String Lace, Spellbinders Nestabilities Labels Four and Petite Ovals Small using Big Shot machine, Joy! Crafts cutting and embossing dies Branches, EK Success punch Retro Flower Small, Martha Stewart flower punch, flower centre punch from Michaels $1.50 bin, Fiskars corner punch Celestial (for the stars).

Misc.: Creatology 5mm white pom poms, Tim Holtz distressing ink pad Frayed Burlap.

In case you are interested in making one these front panel side step card, I've drawn a template here with the measurements that I used. My cards are usually 6 inches x 6 inches, so the cardstock size I used is 12 inches x 6 inches.
Thanks for taking the time to drop by. I appreciate your visit. Enjoy your day!


  1. STUNNING card, Norma! Your card is so pretty with this pink and yellow color combo...great take! Love everything about it, and thank you for sharing your great instructions/diagram to make your front panel side step card! I will try this. Congratulations again on being on the fab DT! You gals are so creative! We'll have so much fun and more inspiration! Hugs, Cami

  2. Oh are one ambitious and creative lady!! I love this...and the images you used are perfect. The poem is just lovely...and your coloring and embellies are gorgeous! Pat Frank

  3. Wow Norma- Again a stunning card from you. I love everything about it and those pom pom's...You are clever, they are brilliant.
    I have joined the new Magnolia Blog and hope to join in this pink and lemon challenge, but off to Glasgow Christmas shopping Thursday-Saturday, so will see if I have any hours in the day left!!

  4. You should see my has dropped to the floor!!!! This is just out of this world Norma! Oh I just love when I see you have posted a card! I love your buds...I would love to try that one! Thank-you so much for sharing that template...I am going to TRY and make a card like this!!!!! GORGEOUS NORMA!

  5. Hello Norma, it's my 1st time on your blog and I'm sooo impressed. What a gorgious card you made! And your colouring is brilliant. No wonder your a DT for Magnolia-Licious! I will be back LOL!!
    Greetz, Frea (from Holland)

  6. Norma, this is gorgeous! I love the fun fold for this card - thanks for the template. Using just the corner punch here is really so pretty! Your coloring has always been so inspiring to me - hope I can learn to color like you one day! hugs, Angela

  7. Norma you card is just beautiful as always thanks for the instructions may just give this a try !

  8. Hello Norma, your card is wonderful, thank you for the instructions, I might just try it! I love the idea of using the two Tildas on the same card, they represent friendship so well. Love all the delicate lacy backgrounds under the images.
    Congrats on you appointment as DT of this new Challenge, you deserve it all.

  9. You know I'm a big fan of your work and this is no exception! Absolutely fantastic work Norma! You are so creative, just love it all! Thanks for sharing the pattern and again congrats on the well deserved DT position.

  10. You always have such a great fold on your cards Norma. Love coming through to get some inspirations on special folds or technique lesson. Great way of using the punch. You are so creative :o)

  11. Norma!!
    What a BEAUTIFUL card!!
    Your colouring is awesome and your design so creative!
    The punch you used is very pretty and oh I love how you made the flower buds! AND your 'play on words'
    Lovely poem inside :o)
    Fantastic work!
    Hugs, Candy

  12. Fabulous and I adore your flower buds! Thanks for the how to make them also!!!! hahahaha, you made me laugh out loud that you posted I named the "cards"!!! oh Norma, you are amazing! I think I'll be clicking and studying here for awhile! I have this visual of my corner punches jumping around in the drawers yelling, "use me, USE ME"! lol I didn't realize they felt slighted! lol So much stuff I need to use! oh to forget eating and sleeping AND working! Using pink and yellow together definitely seems challenging but you did an over the top brilliant job with them! Awesome! Your Tilda's are adorable, BEAUTIFUL! ok - gotta go clicking!
    Pam Going Postal

  13. Awesome card Norma! I love the stunning colouring.. everything is just so pretty - including that gorgeous string lace border punch ♥

  14. Norma, this is absolutely stunning! There is so much detail for the eye to follow and all of it gorgeous. I really like this new form of side step card and laying the card out flat really helps to put it into prospective. Simply gorgeous work my friend...hugs...Barb

  15. Pretty, pretty card. Love the lacy edges and the pretty flowers at the bottom.

  16. Just gorgeous Norma--I love all the detail and fabulous folds on this card. Two cute Tilda's as well colored beautifully--so lovely! Congrats on the new team!


  17. I would like to write something to express the beauty of this card, but I am totally is so beyond beautiful that I literally cannot think of anything to write! Wow...

  18. Norma, this card is just so pretty. I love how you decorated the card and the Tildas are colored so well. Thanks for the template also! LC

  19. You so deserve being on the challenge blog of Magnolia-licious.
    I have always loved your cards and this one is no exception. I love your coloring and the border of little handmade flowers. (love handmade flowers).
    I love how you have used the MS border punch on the corners. It really brightens the card. super creation Norma.
    Hugs Maz

  20. As always your card is beautiful
    I love your coloring and all your
    embellies.Congrats on your DT position you deserve it.
    Hugs Linda

  21. Stunning project, Norma! Awesome colors and papers and those corners made with MS puch are wonderful!
    And contrats on you DT position - definitely well deserved!

  22. Stunning card Norma, wonderful Tilda and beautiful details.

  23. Norma I just found your blog and I love it. Great things you make.

    Hugs Marga

  24. WOW Norma! I'm in awe of this fabulously stunning creation from the phenomenal layout to the wonderful colouring and your attention to every detail inside and out. Such an inspiration! I'm very excited to be playing alongside you on the DT. Hugs, Maria.

  25. Everything is beautiful about this card. And so very elaborate. Great template you have there. Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs, iulia

  26. Very nice card.. It is so pretty. I love love it.. Great work Dee:}

  27. Congratulations on your new DT well deserved because all of your work is outstanding!
    What a fabulous card for this color challenge. I love the two Tildas to represent friendship. Absolutely so stunning and creative!

  28. Norma........your card is absolutely stunning!!! It's just beautiful! Your coloring is amazing!!! Wow! You always knock my socks off with your creativity.

    Big congrats on your DT position! I can see how excited you are about it. I'm so happy for soooo deserve it!

    Happy Huggies ~

  29. WOW - what a way to kick off your new challenge - this is just AMAZING!!! Full of wonderful Norma details - LOVE those corners!!!

  30. Awesome Norma the colouring the layout and even the inside no wonder you have been invited onto the design team. Congratulations
    Hugs Margaret

  31. Norma i only have 3 words.......!!!!!!! just beautiful

  32. WOWWWWW Norma I could stay here all night just looking at this wonderful, truly beautiful creation it is amazing all the gorgeous detail and of course Tilda, both of them, look stunning.
    Lorraine x

  33. Congratulations for being chosen to be on the designer team. Your work is magnificent. I love all your tutorials.
    Terrific card, excellent artistry.

  34. Stunning, gorgeous, and absolutely perfect. I love this card and wow your coloring is awesome. I see I've found another person to definitely follow!!! Congrats to you!


  35. Norma this is BEAUTIFUL!!! I love the folds I have NOT seen one fold like this...
    I am going to have to try it!!
    TFS dear
    hugs, Janiel

  36. This is a beautiful card Norma as are all your other creations, would you mind telling me how you work your card measurements out for these side step cards and front panel side step cards as its not easy for me to get 12 x 12 card. I would like to use our standard A4 size here in the UK which is 8.27 x 11.69 inches but have no idea how to start working out where I would need to fold and cut, is there a set formula or is it just trial and error. I would like to learn how to work out my own measurements so would be grateful for any help you can give me
    Thanks Julie


Thanks for stopping by and giving me a bit of your time to leave a comment. Very much appreciate it. Norma