Have you ever made a never-ending card before? If not, you have got to try this!!!
I first saw this card on
Pam Sparks' blog. She made a Christmas never-ending card back in November last year. Yes, it has taken me this long to get one done! Pam also gave me a link to a
video of this card that she liked. And from there, there are links to tutorials on the card. You don’t have to decorate it very elaborately. You can do a simple one with just designer papers and sentiments if you like, but you really should try to make one--at least once, just to see how the mechanic works. Who ever thought of this is a genius! And it is so much fun!!!
To really appreciate how this card works, you have to watch this video. Don't worry...it's only a short one...38 seconds long!! I've only done 3 full rotations of the card. But of course you can go on forever with it, that's why they call it a
never-ending card...LOL. Sorry, but the images in the video aren't too clear, okay?--I don't have a camcorder. I used my camera instead.
And here are the 4 faces of my card in still life.

Glitters used on the head bands and the ribbons around the flower bouquet.

Sorry for the fingers...hee hee. I was trying to keep the card flat for the picture taking.

More glitter used on the big bow and the halo. On the last panel, I've shifted Tilda to the bottom corner so I can have some blank space to write my personal message to my sister.
I have made my card bigger than my usual 6 square inches. The sizes of your images determine the size of your card. Your card will be double the height of your tallest image.
I searched through my Magnolia stamp collection and look for all the small/short ones. The tallest of these will fit into a panel that is 3 1/2 inches high. Double that, and my card is a 7-inch square. Man, I’d like to get my hands on those mini Magnolia stamps that I believe you can only get at trade shows. Then I can do my usual 6"x6” cards. Hmm…maybe some generous souls will stamp me some images…LOL. If you have digi stamps, that’s just perfect to use, as you can size down your images to fit into your panels.
I went all out for this one. I’ ve got 10—count them—10 Maggies. This card is for someone very special to me, my sister and my best friend. I tell her she is my favorite sister…hee hee…she is also my only sister…LOL. I don’t know how she puts up with me. This is actually a belated birthday card. A very very very belated birthday card!!! I’m too ashamed to tell you when her birthday was.
I'm using this card as my entry into a few challenges:
That’s it for my card. Go ahead and try making one yourself. It’s very easy to do. Here’s a link to
one of the tutorials that are available on the internet.
Thanks for dropping by for a visit. Would love to hear your comments on my card.

Magnolia Stamps: Tilda with Vintage Roses, Midsummer Tilda, Jam Tilda, Tilda with Three Flowers, Blueberry Tilda, Unwrapped Tilda, Chef Edwin, Chef Tilda, Wrapped Tilda and Sparkling Tilda.
DP's: Deja Views Green Garden the Sharon Ann Collection.